Why Pest Control?

Anywhere you live, (unless it’s in space, and in that case, we applaud you), you are going to cross paths with pests. Now, we know what you’re thinking; “but we know how it works. Animals are everywhere.” And you’re right! We know you know!

Read more at West Seattle Pest Control

But not a lot of people ever want to have to admit they have a critter “problem” that has overtaken their ability to think rationally before they reach brain capacity and overflow into mental breakdown mode. (Maybe it’s not always that severe, but on occasion…) Or, our customers find themselves dealing with a pest issue after living in the same residence for “5-ever” and never having had a problem in the past. Some people associate a rodent or other animal problem with being unsanitary or “gross”.  And that’s simply not always the case. Don’t get us wrong, sometimes it DEFINITELY is the case; but in most situations of an animal invasion it’s simply an occurrence of opportunity.

A lot of animals make us just that; victims of opportunity. Now, we don’t like to use that word “victim” because it makes us out to be helpless. WE ARE HUMANS. WE CAN DO THIS. And in some cases, you totally can! Go get ’em, tiger! Sometimes though, critters can put us in a situation that we really don’t know how to handle. AND, to top it off, there are laws in place that determine how and who can handle said situations. In Washington, raccoons, opossums, eastern gray squirrels, and other animals must be humanely euthanized if they are removed from the property they are trapped on. It is definitely the least fun part of our job, and it does get quite tense for some people. Without the information behind why, it is alarming and upsetting and we totally get that; but there are reasons we have to do this.

If these animals are just taken somewhere else, three things happen: these animals, having never been in this new environment before, have no knowledge of where food or water or shelter is. (A lot of times, this leads to their demise before anything else.) They will then have to find it, and on the off chance that they do, they then have to compete with the animals that already claim that space as their territory. If they happen to lose that competition, they will starve to death or succumb to the elements. Another issue they face is getting eaten by a predator they have never had to encounter before and therefore do not know they need to be afraid of or how to get away from them. If they win the territory battle and outwit their charming, teeth wielding predator “friends”, (which doesn’t often happen), they will more than likely become a nuisance to someone else later on. Most of these particular critters that have been trapped and relocated in the past, now know better than to go into a trap and prove to be nearly impossible to catch the next time they break into someone’s home or business.

We are here to assist in doing the dirty work that most people can’t or just simply will not do themselves. And we TOTALLY get it! It’s hard on the body and the mind sometimes. On a day-to-day basis, most of us don’t think we’ll ever have a raccoon tear the shingles off our new (uber expensive) roof and have 5 babies in the cozy insulation, or have bats move into your vaulted ceiling through a dime-sized gap in your siding that you couldn’t even see WITH your glasses on. But, we’re here if it does!

We know it sucks, but we have been in business so long that we know it’s going to keep happening. It’s definitely not a fun-filled adventure with snacks and naps, (we super wish it was), but it is honest, hard, rewarding work that is oh-so worth it at the end of the day. We get to restore our customers’ sense of peace and security, and that’s AWESOME. We take pride in that and we look forward for the next opportunity to provide somebody with a sigh of relief.

That is, “Why.”

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