Opossums, What Exactly Are They?

We have all heard of opossums, and quite a few of us have seen them. But these animals are unlike any other mammal in North America. Which leads to the question, where did they come from? Why do they play ‘possum? What makes the varmints so special? Well, the answers to your questions are here. … More Opossums, What Exactly Are They?

Cute Little White Nose? No, A Deadly Disease.

White-nose syndrome has hit the American and Canadian bat population hard. This disease is caused by a fungus called pseudogymnoascus destructans ( it’s a mouth full ). Five of Michigan’s bat species can contract the disease, and the bats that hibernate underground are the ones at the highest risk. The Northern long eared bat is … More Cute Little White Nose? No, A Deadly Disease.

Are Butterflies As Innocent As They Seem?

When you think of a butterfly you think of something peaceful, full of grace, vibrant and beautiful in color, the only bug you actually like… right? Wrong, butterflies have had us fooled for years. Those vibrant colors are often a warning, whether its because they’re poisonous, cannibalistic, or another type of unexpected deadly trait. If … More Are Butterflies As Innocent As They Seem?

Is It The End Of The World… Or A Cure To Cancer

Images of a mass beetle invasion looks like something out of a horror film. Beach-goers reacted in disgust and horror when the swarms of beetles descended onto a beach in Mar de Ajo, Argentina. No one is positively sure why the beetles have swarmed this beach;however there are a couple different theories on the matter. … More Is It The End Of The World… Or A Cure To Cancer