Why Pest Control?

Anywhere you live, (unless it’s in space, and in that case, we applaud you), you are going to cross paths with pests. Now, we know what you’re thinking; “but we know how it works. Animals are everywhere.” And you’re right! We know you know! Read more at West Seattle Pest Control But not a lot … More Why Pest Control?

Women in the Industry

Let’s talk about the ladies for a minute. When one thinks of pest control technician, one would most often think of a man first, right? Especially technicians that deal with nasty, dirty crawlspaces, creepy basements, attics, and more. And wildlife? Please! You need a big, strong man to take on an angry mama raccoon, right? … More Women in the Industry

Cached Nuts

People often wonder if squirrels remember where they bury the nuts they collect throughout the season. Many animals bury a stash of food in hopes of retrieving it when they need to feed during harsh months. Sometimes, though, that does not happen and the nuts or seeds they have buried become seedlings; sprouting out of … More Cached Nuts

Tuskless in Africa

Researchers is Africa are eagerly attempting to collect data to better understand why a growing number of elephants in Africa are tuskless. Majority of the effort is concentrated to the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. During a fifteen year period (1977-1992), Mozambique was in the midst of a civil war. At least one million people … More Tuskless in Africa

Castor Canadensis

The North American Beaver. Mainly active during the night, these magnificently large, semiaquatic creatures are the largest living rodents in North America; second only to it’s European counterpart, the European Beaver. North American beavers weigh, on average, about 44 pounds, but much older individuals have been known to grow to be up to 88 or … More Castor Canadensis